The life of an embodied master is peaceful, playful, simple, effortless, flowing, fulfilling, sensual and full of unlimited and exciting potentials

Do you want to be a self-realized, enlightened, embodied master in this lifetime?

Life is supposed to be joyful and abundant

As human beings we think that suffering, drama and lack, caused by feelings of fear, guilt, shame and so on, is a normal part of the human experience. But it isn't. Life is actually supposed to be joyful, fun and abundant.

You can be one of the first people to break the cycle of suffering.

You can be one of the first people to become an example for others.

Your human self just wants to be safe and comfortable. It wants to be happy. And so it tries to become and stay happy. And when it doesn't feel happy, it thinks that something is wrong. That is how you stay in the cycle of suffering.

If you want, I can show you the way out of this endless cycle.

I will be there for you and with you, when you break the cycle of standard human behaviour. This will make it so much easier for you to do this.

You are more than a student of human life. You also are an embodied enlightened Master. There is no journey towards becoming one. It is not about becoming good enough. It is about allowing this selfrealized Master to be present in your daily life. It is the wise, compassionate, patient and loving voice inside of you. But oftentimes there is so much noise that you can't hear it. I offer you clarity and space to get (back) in touch with your whole Self.

I can show you the shortest route and support you in the Quantum Shift to becoming an Embodied Master

I guide people who feel a big YES to the following statements:

  • YES, I am ready to graduate from the school of life. I want to master the game of life. And spend the rest of my life in a constant flow of pleasure, ease, simplicity, lightness, abundance and humor. Even in challenging circumstances.

  • YES, I want to enjoy the sensual experience in my body deeply. I want to be filled from within and overflow more and more consistently from an unconditional feeling of inner joy, love, freedom, wisdom, appreciation and strength.

  • YES, I am willing to see through all my self-created dramas and I am ready to close all active programs around suffering and lack. I want to be able to feel deeply, without drowning and losing myself in emotions all the time.

  • YES, I am ready to step into my true greatness, to leave my isolated lifestyle behind and to let go of all my self-protection mechanisms, so that I can enjoy life fully and openly. While feeling connected to myself and the world around me.

  • YES, I want to allow everything about myself and everyone around me with complete confidence that Everything-That-Is-NOW-In-My-Life is part of my all-encompassing Self - and is there at my own request - to serve me.

  • YES, I want to get to know my true Self deeply, express it, let it evolve and discover and experience it again and again. In order to do this, I am willing to completely let go of my current ideas around who I am and what is true.

  • YES, I want to give the Energy of which everything is made of in this so-called 'physical world' instructions regarding my preferences and desires. Without fear of my own gigantic creative power nor unnatural feelings of guilt and shame.

  • YES, I want to stop pretending to be smaller than who I really am, become honest about what I really want, start exercising my natural birthright to live in ultimate freedom and manifest my own version of heaven on earth.

  • YES, deep down I long to be an Enlightened Leader in this time of transformation. Someone who is the living example of a new Standard and who shows others what is possible from a higher multi-dimensional level of consciousness.

Did you feel an inner YES to these statements? Then you are a good match with my intention and with all other pioneers in consciousness who become a member of the Embodied Masters Circle. I'd love to tell you more about it...

Why do I offer you this service?

My name is Mariëlle Duijndam and I offer you this service because I know how challenging it can be to break out of the old cycles when 3D life is constantly all around you, trying to suck you back into your known old habits. Even if they are uncomfortable, the human usually prefers the comfort of the known over the unknown.

So it is my job to guide you out of the human perspective and into the perspective of the master, which offers a much bigger and broader view on life. While also offering you peace, joy and balance, even in the midst of situations that could be perceived as 'chaos'.

Years of experience have showed me that working with souled beings who are integrating their physical human self back into their whole Self, requires presence, patience, compassion and wisdom.

In other words: I have to embody the Master within me to access those qualities, because my human self could easily get impatient, frustrated and hurt by some of your human aspects that resist being integrated.

Consciously embodying the Master within me is an amazing feeling. It feels like complete trust and joy in everything I am thinking, saying and doing, without being in a hurry because I know that all is well.

Drama, suffering and lack are not normal. These are human programs that you can integrate so that the cycle no longer repeats itself. But that can only be done by someone who has fully realized and accepted himself.

I made that choice and I love it. That is why I hereby invite you to make that same choice. You can choose to do so whenever you want. You are the only one who can decide when you are 'good enough' to graduate.

Is this the lifetime for you in which you graduate from the school of life? So that you can then enjoy the game of life with presence, awareness, sensuality, authenticity, integrity, passion, compassion and creativity?

The Embodied Masters Circle

Check out the Enlightened Leaders Circle if you also feel inspired to focus on Effortless Facilitatorship, Organic Entrepreneurship & Enlightened Leadership.

Weekly Quantum Shift Session with Mariëlle

Enjoy a weekly online group Quantum Shift Session with me to recalibrate your focus & energy to the frequency of the consciousness level and potential reality you want to be, live and act in. These ±60 minute mystery meetings always unfold naturally.

Weekly Meeting with other Circle Members

An hour before our weekly Quantum Shift Session you can get together on camera with other Embodied Masters Circle Members. To connect, to share, to get to know each other better and to prepare for the upcoming meeting, so you can get the most out of it.

'The Embodied Master Path' Modules

Your path to Embodiment Mastery will be unique. But there are certain changes that we all go through. In these 8 modules I share my most valuable wisdom with you, so you can navigate through these changes with ease, grace, joy and abundance.

Interaction in Embodied Masters Community

In our private online community there is space to share things about your personal journey, your creations and the questions that may arise. It's also a place to talk about new ideas and inspiration that we receive as a collective.

Access to our Legacy of LIVE Recordings

It is not a problem if you cannot attend online meetings live. You will be able to make new Quantum Shifts in your consciousness and life through each recording. That is why you can watch our legacy of recordings as often as you want as a member.

Guided Quantum Shift Meditations Library

In between all meetings you can use these guided meditations to return to your true Self, to your unlimited potential and to what you know deep down inside. And swiftly get back on track whenever life knocks you off your feet.

Participation in Summit Collaborations

As a collective of Embodied Masters, the opportunities to collaborate are endless. Every year I like to organize one or more online summits with those of you who feel inspired to join me. A wonderful and magical opportunity to share your light with the world.

Earn money with our Affiliate Program

I love the idea of expanding and growing together, as equal partners. That is why you will get the opportunity to join my generous affiliate program. When you help our community to grow, you will quickly see your bank balance grow too. A win-win for all.

As an Embodied Master you know that everything you want is already inside of you. And you know how to turn these potential realities into real-life experiences. You've learnt to play with life.

Experiences of Others

I don't have testimonials of people in the Embodied Masters Circle yet, because I just opened it up. The testimonials below are from people who joined me for a year of Embodiment Mastery.

What I experienced as wonderful is that I felt received unconditionally by you. And I have never ever experienced that before in my life. And this unconditionality allowed me to look at myself. And it also provided me with the necessary feeling of safety to simply share the deep things I had within me. I just can't even explain the power of that receiving in words. That is love. Which was given to me. Which allowed me to trust myself unconditionally. And now I can give that love again and let it work through me. I am deeply grateful to you all for that. And to you too Mariëlle. You always stood there like a rock. And you received it too. Thank you also for your questions. It's a party, well not always, but I wouldn't have wanted to miss it for the world. I love you all!


Enschede, The Netherlands

Overall, I feel freer and lighter and more myself. I feel more confident and can make more choices for myself. I can also be even more present in my contact with others. I have learned to look at myself with much more love. I am calmer when making decisions and I am increasingly comfortable in my body, where I can feel that the energy is flowing now. And of course I still encounter my triggers, my aspects, but I can generally deal with them well. Also thanks to your many beautiful meditations that had/have an enormous impact and were/are a constant stimulus to connect with myself, make choices and a reminder of how I deal with and integrate all of my aspects. Extremely valuable!


Maastricht, The Netherlands

I have so much admiration for everyone in this group. We have all grown so much this last year. There are such different Masters here now than there were at the beginning. And we just did it all together. And it's so great to be a part of that. To be received by everyone. But of course you had 'the lead' Mariëlle. You have created the safety that I so needed to dare to grow further. You know how long I have been with a guru (and I am also very happy with that), but with you I have felt so safe... and that has created the courage to dare to receive - to fully embrace and allow life. I feel so incredibly grateful. This. There really are no words for it at all... Thank you all for this fantastic journey!


Utrecht, The Netherlands

I experienced the unconditionality as extremely pleasant. Everything is allowed. Here you can be yourself. And the opportunity to grow for a whole year in this bedding, is... I am really grateful for that! How you received us with everything that came up, Mariëlle... That warm atmosphere that has existed all year round in the group, I find that priceless. I feel much more powerful in myself and this results in even more respect for myself. My consciousness has expanded greatly over the past year and my vibration has been seriously upgraded. In addition, I have received a large sum of money twice in the past year. I am very happy with the evolution I have gone through. With the foundation that has been laid, I can now feel that the time has come to break out and take concrete steps towards my chosen future.


Emblem, Belgium

I'm so grateful to be here now. So much confusion has cleared up by knowing who I really am. I really allow myself to experience it all. Sometimes from a place of pain, sometimes from a deep knowingness that all is well. I am currently going through a phase of discovering and experiencing many new things around the subject of love, sex and freedom. I enjoy this immensely and I feel very loved. I also believe that there is still a lot that can be integrated around these topics in the world, to which I would like to contribute. I am very grateful to now know that there are people like you, like us, here now, who experience the resonance of knowing that there really is a choice, in every moment. That you can really create and feel anything in the moment. And that you just have to be present there and always ask yourself: "Now what?"


Utrecht, The Netherlands

I now realize that I already am a multi-dimensional being. In this mastery process I was reminded of this again and again. The freedom in me has come to the surface and I can now work with my own energy. I can now say that I am a powerful creator. More free from limitations, blockages, beliefs. I experience the level of alignment more and more. I have improved financially (created multiple sources of income), my self-image has completely changed (more self-love). I create love within me. I also attract more like-minded people. The atmosphere in the group was always great. So much love and openness. I just felt that I had to do this or otherwise I would just keep feeling stuck, while looking for blind spots and what I still needed to heal.


The Hague, The Netherlands

You don't have to do anything to become deserving. Just accept your worthiness and embody your Self.

As an Embodied Master this and more becomes possible effortlessly:

  • Arrange your life the way you want. Make choices that reflect your value. Allow yourself the quality, beauty, simplicity, stability, peace and fulfillment that you like. In every area of ​​your life: spiritual, relational, financial and physical.

  • Staying present when things get difficult. Don't always fight, flee or freeze, so that everything slips out of your hands again. Manifest truly sustainable relationships and creations that you allow to unfold and thus build momentum.

  • Creating a legacy that continues to have an effect in the long term - even after your death - instead of continuing to fill short-term energy leaks of yourself and others. You will come into contact with the greater vision for your life.

  • Manifesting a partner in your life who does not have to make you happy, but with whom you can share your joy and who, conversely, wants to share his/her joy with you. You will not lean on each other, but you will flow to each other from inner abundance.

  • Seeing family relationships from a completely different perspective, allowing both you and them to experience more freedom, more acceptance, more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more strength and more fulfillment. Connections are renewed and restored.

  • Letting go of friendships that no longer fit because you have grown too far apart, while feeling non-attached to an outcome. Opening yourself to new friendships that match the level of consciousness you are at and the world you can see from that perspective.

  • Positively influence the people and the world around you by the way you look at them and the light you see them in. Being able to experience major changes in your environment, no longer by trying to change them, but by starting to see things differently yourself.

  • Expressing yourself in a way that you, first and foremost, enjoy immensely. So that you can get excited about yourself, your life and what you have to offer. You no longer feel dependent on the approval of others. You become your own mirror.

  • Create an almost empty agenda with virtually no obligations, so that you can always do what feels better, good or inspired to you in the moment. While creating a helpful structure for yourself and others at the same time, that contributes to thriving in freedom.

  • Feeling like you are really doing what you came here to do. Without pressure, without haste, without consequences. Simply because you like and enjoy Being your Self, expressing yourself and sharing your passion and your creations.

All of this is a reflection of what I now experience daily in my own life. I know it's possible. And I also know that the same is possible for you. Not later, but NOW. I can't do it for you, but I can shine my light on your path...

Are you ready to prioritize your Self?

I am looking forward to welcoming you in the Embodied Masters Circle. Please choose the payment plan that fits you best below. After your (first) payment you'll receive immediate access to our online private community.

Start your embodiment mastery journey now and benefit by the momentum of our community



/ per month

  • Weekly group Quantum Shift Session
  • Weekly Meeting with Circle Members
  • 'The Embodied Master Path' Modules
  • Interaction in our Masters Community
  • Access to our Legacy of LIVE Recordings
  • Library with Quantum Shift Meditations
  • Participation in Summit Collaborations
  • Earn money with our affiliate program

VAT will be calculated at check-out



/ per year

  • Weekly group Quantum Shift Session
  • Weekly Meeting with Circle Members
  • 'The Embodied Master Path' Modules
  • Interaction in our Masters Community
  • Access to our Legacy of LIVE Recordings
  • Library with Quantum Shift Meditations
  • Participation in Summit Collaborations
  • Earn money with our affiliate program

VAT will be calculated at check-out

Frequently Asked Questions

How is what you are offering me here unique to what others are offering?

I am not just a lifecoach, relationship coach, business coach, manifestation coach, embodiment coach, a spiritual teacher or one who channels other entities.

I am a combination of all of the above and more. I am a New Consciousness Teacher & Embodied Enlightenment Facilitator. For me it is all about accepting the fact that we are all multidimensional beings. Which gives us the opportunity to collaborate with different parts and levels of ourselves. I am here to help this to become the new normal.

And so I offer you a living example of a human being who lives like that in daily life on planet Earth.

I share and support you from these three levels of consciousness:

1. My human self: Mariëlle

2. My Master self: Master Mel

3. My Source Self: I Am That I Am

And I will also show you how you can do the same. And how this will make all the difference in the world for you and the people around you. It takes out all the complexity, the confusion, the drama and the repeating disfunctional patterns. Things become clear. And change not only becomes possible but even inevitable, without using force or power. Which is a completely different approach to what everyone is used to.

All levels of you are valuable. Your human self is here to be human. To share personal human stories. Your Master self is here to shine its light, to share its wisdom, to provide clarity, to enjoy life from a completely different vantage point and to show others how all of this can be done. Your Source Self is here to just be what it is. So you can discover, experience, express and return to the ever present unconditional love that is YOU.

Will I be guided by you personally, Mariëlle?

Yes. Although there are no limits as to how big this community can grow. My doors are open for everyone who feels the call to join. A Master does not constrict their own creations. We have to let them breathe and evolve freely.

During the weekly Quantum Shift Sessions there is the opportunity for a 1-on-1 Shift Session with me. While 1 person is in the 'hotseat', you'll notice that we are going to shift in consciousness as a collective, simultaneously.

It is my experience that everyone feels equally supported when we allow the flow to unfold naturally. It is magical how these things work. The more I surrender and let go of control, the more everything unfolds perfectly.

If you still feel like you'd prefer more private time with me, you can send me an e-mail with your request.

Which platform do you use for the sessions and meetings?

We use Zoom for the online Quantum Shift Sessions and Member Meetings. It is a well-know and easy to use platform. If you are not yet familiar with it, you can go to YouTube and find lots of tutorials on how it works.

All of the other materials that are included in your membership can be found inside a private area in my website for which you will need to log in. You'll receive everything you need to know about this after signing up.

At what day and time do we weekly have our session and meeting?

We meet up every Tuesday (times mentioned are in the Amsterdam time zone: CET or UTC + 1 hours / CEST or UTC/GMT + 2 hours):

Circle Member Meetings: 14:30 - 15:30 (optional to join to connect and prepare)

Quantum Shift Sessions: 15:30 - ± 16:30 (feel free to leave when you need to)

These mentioned hours may vary from time to time, depending on where I am in the world and where most of the members are based in the world, to give everyone a fair chance to join live.

Don't worry if you can't attend live, trust the process and the fact that you were guided to this community. Things are always working out in your favor. Just decide that this is the case for you as the Master that you are.

Watching the replays of the weekly meetings could be even more powerful for you than being in a LIVE meeting.

How much time do I need to spend per week to get the most out of my membership?

You don't have to do anything. You are free to choose and there is no right or wrong. Really. The main event of this membership is our weekly Quantum Shift Session which will last approximately 60 to 75 minutes. Great if you can attend LIVE, but just watching the recordings could work even better for some people. It is all about learning to trust yourself and what feels good and easy to you.

This is not about the hours you spend studying on things. It is about going back into your daily life as a new person, after spending time with me and the other Embodied Masters Circle Members.

Are you going to teach me the steps I need to take to get where I want to be?

Yes and no. There are no steps you have to take to get where you want to be. It is not an action oriented journey. And we are not looking for perfection but for acceptance. Heaven is not a place we experience after our physical life. It is a state of being. I'm going to embody it and I will let you discover how you can get into that state of being. And I will support you in remaining more and more consistently in that state of being, regardless of what you encounter in your body and your life. I will also provide you with recordings that can also assist you with this in between our sessions and meetings.

Am I too young or too old to join this Embodied Masters Circle?

I read my first book about the power of our consciousness when I was 14. I had my first spontaneous enlightenment experience at age 24. So no, you can never be too young. But you can also never be too old. Because there is now a need for embodied masters, teachers and inspirators in every age category. No matter how old people are, they are now looking for alternative ways in which life can be lived. And you will be able to offer them that alternative. Believe in yourself and the desires that you feel inside. They are guiding you into the best part of your life, and even all of your lifetimes. That's how amazing this time of awakening is.

Can I also participate if I take tranquilizers or anti-depressants?

No, unfortunately you cannot participate in the Embodied Masters Circle if you are currently taking medication that covers your emotional life with a veil. You should be free of medication for at least 3 months, so that you can feel everything within you.

We cannot work around anything when we choose to be Embodied Masters. Our consciousness must be able to penetrate every cell of our body in order to be fully enlightened, free and consciously present in our experience, regardless of circumstances. Only in this way can we discharge all automatic triggers and old stored memories, programming and other energies.

The more embodied you become, the more stable you will feel emotionally, without outside help.

Can I join even when I still have trouble getting out of my head?

To be able to work with you and to experience Quantum Shifts in your consciousness, you will have to get out of your head and into the senses in your body. Each Quantum Shift Session we will start by giving the mind time to slow down and relax. This creates the necessary space for the transition into your multidimensional self.

I will guide you into this experience. The more you are willing to surrender to the Unknown, the easier all of this will be for you. If you have a hard time with this, just share about it with me and we'll see what we can do.

Participating in this Embodied Masters Circle requires a certain degree of trust and a willingness to experience, feel, see, acknowledge and share everything that is within you. After all, it is about mastery: the last step between awakening, self-realization and embodied enlightenment.

Can you tell me more about the affiliate program possibilities?

After becoming a member of the Embodied Masters Circle, you become eligible to join our affiliate program. If you don't know what an affiliate program is: it is a way to track where new members come from. If you were the one who referred them to any of my website pages with your own unique affilliate link, 30 days after a referral has made a payment, you will get a very generous commission from me. The exact percentages will be shared with you after you sign up.

If you are truly excited about what we are doing in this Embodied Masters Circle, then soon you'll pay no membership fee at all. Instead you'll start making money by just being you and sharing your passion with others.

The system we use is very professional and will make sure that a new sale can be retraced back to you, even if they sign up from another computer, phone or laptop other than the one they used when clicking your affilliate link.

I am very excited about the opportunity for us to grow together. Not just in consciousness, but also financially. The more we act from a place of abundance and the feeling that there is more than enough for all of us, the more we will be able to evolve, create, share and receive.

For me it is about creating a legacy together, for generations to come. Others will benefit by the journey that we have gone through as pioneers in consciousness and New Energy. And a Master should be the example of a lifestyle that they wish for themselves too. Otherwise, what is the point? So please be open to share and receive.

How can I cancel or upgrade my membership when I want to do this?

You can cancel your membership anytime you want by clicking a button in your personal account inside the online membership area. You will remain to have access until the end of your billing cycle. After you cancel, we will stop your automatic payments. We do not refund you for any unused time in your membership.

You can come back to the Embodied Masters Circle anytime you want. Just be aware of the possibility that membership fees may go up in the meantime.

As long as you don't cancel your membership, the fee for your membership will stay the same, even when prices go up for new members.

If you would like to upgrade your membership to join the Enlightened Leaders Circle, you can cancel this membership and just enroll in the other one. Participation in the Enlightened Leaders Circle includes access to everything that this Embodied Masters Circle membership offers, so don't hesitate when you feel the time is right for you to start focussing more on Effortless Facilitatorship, Organic Entrepreneurship and Enlightened Leadership.

The life of an embodied master is peaceful, playful, simple, effortless, flowing, fulfilling, sensual and full of unlimited and exciting potentials

Do you want to be a self-realized, enlightened, embodied master in this lifetime?