Embodied Enlightenment

Embodied Enlightenment

What if I told you that you already are an embodied enlightened human being? And that you'll be able to enjoy life in a whole new way, when you accept this potential reality?

I inspire people, couples, coaches, facilitators, entrepreneurs and leaders to their next level of joy, love, freedom, embodiment & enlightenment

A Quantum Shift into New Consciousness

Humanity is going through a quantum shift from singular to multidimensional consciousness

Lots of things are going to change on this planet, as a result. We are moving quickly towards 'heaven on earth'. But it starts with us. With our example. We are the pioneers in consciousness. We go first. We allow a new level of consciousness into our own being. And then we recreate our own lives, relationships, businesses, facilitatorship, entrepreneurship and leadership, so our outer world matches our inner world. I am here to guide and work with this group of pioneers. Feel welcome to join one of my Circles, so you can fly and enjoy life in flow.

Lots of things are going to change on this planet, as a result. We are moving quickly towards 'heaven on earth'.

But it starts with us. With our example. We are the pioneers in consciousness. We go first.

We allow a new level of consciousness into our own being. And then we recreate our own lives, relationships, businesses, facilitatorship, entrepreneurship and leadership, so our outer world matches our inner world.

I am here to guide and work with this group of pioneers.

Feel welcome to join one of my Circles, so you can fly and enjoy life in flow.

Creating Change

By Accepting What Is

My name is Mariëlle Duijndam and I live in a small town called Wapenveld in The Netherlands, with my love Wijbrand. Our home is surrounded with beautiful nature everywhere we go. We're both self employed and work from home. So our days unfold in a flow of ease and freedom. We walk, talk and play a lot. And we love to create things.

In the summer of 2020 I finally accepted the potential reality of me already being enlightened. I stopped searching, I stopped working on my goals, I stopped trying to fix or better myself. I stopped pretty much everything I was doing. And instead, I started BEING. Since then, my life has changed enormously. Everything fell into place. I arrived Home.

Watch the video below for a sneak peek into my simple life in flow

Wanna know my Story?

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My sister once told me that I was living 7 lives in one. Let's just say that I have lived through a lot in the first 40 years of my life. I had to experiment with so many things. Especially after my first experience of enlightenment when I was 24. After which I was unable to continue my ordinary life. Eventually I had to quit my job as a sales manager.

What unfolded next was the path of my heart and soul. And it led me to quite a few discoveries around the topics that you can see below. It is my passion to pass my wisdom on to others, by teaching about these things. Mostly by sharing my own stories. You can get free access to these personal and exclusive stories by leaving your name and e-mail.



About the journey from working hard on yourself and your life's goals to the embodiment of your whole true SELF and enjoying your life in flow.



About the journey from reacting to deliberately choosing, allowing and manifesting a reality, as the true unlimited being that you are.



About the journey from drama, suffering and lack to freedom, joy and connection in all of your relationships without holding back your true SELF.



About the journey from being a servant to others and their needs to effortlessly truly BEING of service to yourself and others simultaneously.



About the journey from managing and controlling your business to allowing your company to unfold and grow organically and effortlessly.



About the journey from carrying responsibility for others to simply enjoying your life so they can get inspired by your shining example.

Join the Circle

Of Embodied Masters & Enlightened Leaders

I know you already are an Embodied Master & Enlightened Leader, whether you feel like one or not. And I also know that if you want to experience what it is like to be one in this lifetime, you can. It is just a matter of rembering and accepting Who You Really Are.

And then it is a matter of giving yourself permission to be and express Who You Really Are, in your daily life. It is about re-integrating all parts of you, so you can BE your true free Self. I would love to remind you of Who You Really Are, on a weekly basis, so you can't forget.

The Embodied Masters


For your Private Life & Relationships

The Enlightened Leaders


For Facilitators, Entrepreneurs & Leaders

The Inner


For a VIP Treatment with Private Personal Attention

Embodiment Mastery

Introduction Video

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as just a regular human? Or do you know there is so much more to you than that? Are you familiar with the feeling of Who You Really Are? And do you know what it is like to embody and express Who You Really Are?

I have created an introduction video about Embodiment Mastery for you. To explain more about all of this with texts and images, so you can get an idea of the huge shift that I am talking about. But in the end, it cannot be understood, it can only be experienced by you.

I am here to support you on that journey from trying to understand and trying to get there, to simply just surrendering and allowing, so the experience can be welcomed by you.

It is my passion to inspire others by Being and to facilitate a thriving community of people who desire to live in New Consciousness as Embodied Masters & Enlightened Leaders.

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To Express & Inspire

Below you can find an overview of the articles that I have written.

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"Everything you want is already inside of you. It's a frequency, an experience, that you can access right NOW. Together we'll bring it into your body and life."

© 2024 - Mariëlle Duijndam - All rights reserved

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